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Basic Listening Lesson #09
1 Passo:
Ouvir o Diálogo
Só olhe as perguntas depois que você ouvir o arquivo de áudio. Ler as perguntas primeiro não vai te ajudar a melhorar a sua habilidade de escutar inglês.
2 Passo:
Exercício - Ver as perguntas
1. Person A works and watches TV all day. What is he starting to think about?
His health
Playing basketball
The next great movie
Work he didn't finish yet
2. What suggestion is made to get more exercise?
Running or Jogging
Doing more outdoor activities
Going to the local gym
Geting a health club membership
3. What type of lessons are they considering?
Music lessons
Piano lessons
Tennis lessons
English lessons
4. For $120, how often will they meet?
Everyday for a month
Once a week for two months
Twice a week for one month
8 Weeks
Ver as respostas
1. Hi health
2. Doing more outdoor activities
3. Tennis lessons
4. Twice a week for one month
Se você não estã certo sobre as respostas das perguntas, escute o arquivo de áudio novamente após ler as perguntas. Depois de fazer a sua seleção, olhe as respostas para ver o seu desempenho.
3 Passo:
Mostre o diálogo
A: "All I do all day is work and watch TV. I really should start thinking about my health."
B: "I never thought about that, but you're right. What do you think we should do?"
A: "For starters, we should start doing more outdoor activities. That way we'll get some exercise."
B: "I was thinking about taking tennis lessons. I always have an hour to spare in the afternoon. What do you think about that?"
A: "That's not a bad idea. How much is it?"
B: "I heard it is only about one hundred twenty dollars a month for 8 lessons."
A: "Playing tennis twice a week will be a good start. Count me in."
Você deve ler o diálogo para te ajudar a estudar depois de ter escutado a lição de áudio. Não olhe o diálogo antes de ouvir o áudio e responder todas as perguntas.
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